Do You Wish To Become A U.S. Citizen? We Can Help
Helping immigrants living in Brevard County, Florida, become U.S. citizens
How The Process Works
Becoming a U.S. citizen is a dream for so many individuals. Luckily, through a process known as naturalization, this dream can turn into a reality.
But obtaining U.S. citizenship is difficult. There is an application process and certain requirements must be met before citizenship will be granted to you or a family member.
Calling a lawyer to find out if you can become a U.S. citizen through the naturalization process is the first step.
Call Us At 321-353-7625 Today
At Goldman, Monaghan, Thakkar & Bettin, P.A., we can help you. Our immigration lawyers can meet with you and your family, talk about your situation and the steps involved in the process.
Our attorneys are very experienced and have helped many other individuals in your situation.
Help For Children
We also help children and teens facing potential deportation. Under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals law, undocumented immigrants who arrived in America before the age of 16 may be able to avoid deportation.
Contact us today to find out how.